Eric Cantona canta Once di Liam Gallagher

Un video musicale nel quale l’ex calciatore del Manchester United Cantona canta Once preannuncia l’uscita di un disco di Liam Gallagher.
Una trovata di marketing interessante che va a colpire tutti i fan degli Oasis, quelli della punta francese e tutti coloro che sono legati alla città mancuniana..quella fantastica città che ospita lo United di Cantona, il City di Liam e Noel e che tanti aspetti musicali ha.
L’album Acustic Session che esce il 31 Gennaio 2020 contiene alcune tracce degli Oasis e Why me? Why not nota anche per il video virale in cui canta Eric Cantona, pubblicato proprio dal calciatore sul suo profilo Instagram.
Ed ecco il video in cui la punta francese interpreta un re (as usual) ed il musicista il suo autista ed inserviente.
It was easier to have fun back when we had nothin’
Nothin’ much to manage
Back when we were damaged
Sometimes the freedom we wanted feels so uncool
Just clean the pool
And send the kids to schoolBut oh, I remember how you used to shine back then
You went down so easy like a glass of wine, my friend
When the dawn came up you felt so inspired to do it again
But it turns out
You only get to do it onceI think it’s true what they say that the dream is borrowed
You give it back tomorrow
Minus the sorrow
And the pain, she just comes in to break up the daydream
And I felt his waving
To keep from feeling the same thingBut oh, I remember how you used to shine back then
You went down so easy like a glass of wine, my friend
When the dawn came up you felt so inspired to do it again
But it turns out
You only get to do it onceYou only get to do it once
You only get to do it once
You only get to do it onceBut oh, I remember how you used to shine back then
You went down so easy like a glass of wine, my friend
When the dawn came up you felt so inspired to do it again
But we were wrong
You only get to do it once